Festival „Novi balkanski ritam“ / New Balkan Rhythm festival
Dragi ljudi, mi smo Alice in WonderBand, Ana i Marko.
Mi smo pozorišni i muzički izvođači i edukatori i bavimo se telesnom muzikom: pevanjem i telesnim perkusijama. Telesna muzika je najstariji, ekološki način stvaranja muzike, ali i savremeni muzički izraz.
Mi smo nezavisni umetnici i većina naših projekata su iz sopstvene produkcije koju realizujemo kao udruženje “Otvoreni krug Novi Sad”.
Prošle godine smo osnovali festival “Novi balkanski ritam”, prvi festival telesne muzike u regionu. Doveli smo svetski poznate predavače i umetnike.
Osnivanje festivala je omogućila prva crowdfunding kampanja koju smo ikada realizovali i koja je premašila naša očekivanja.
Umesto postavljenog cilja od 240.000 dinara na platformi “Dobri dabar” prikupili smo 344.958 dinara!
Vi, koji ste nas podržali, osnovali ste festival sa nama!
Program festivala “Novi balkanski ritam” čine radionice i nastupi. U toku tri dana biće dvanaest radionica koje će voditi internacionalni i domaći umetnici, a imaćemo i goste iznenađenja. Pridružite nam se na festivalskom koncertu 25. avgusta u ekološkom centru “Radulovački” i 26. avgusta na večeri otvorene scene.
Svi događaji će, kao i na prvom festivalu, biti besplatni i otvoreni za publiku.
Prikupljenim sredstvima platićemo ljude koji su vredno radili na organizaciji, marketingu, dizajnu, video snimcima i celoj ideji festivala. Ukoliko premašimo planirana sredstva, uložićemo ih u dalju promotivnu kampanju festivala i u radionice sa mladima iz Radnog centra SOŠO “Milan Petrović”.
Sredstva koja prikupimo upotrebićemo da dovedemo Anu, Maksa i Bena iz Barselone, Njujorka i Hamburga, i smestimo ih u Sremskim Karlovcima kao dobri domaćini. Radićemo nedelju dana: četiri dana na umetničkoj rezidenciji i tri dana na festivalu.
Festivalski paketi koje kupite su namenjeni za vaš smeštaj, hranu i radionice u avgustu.
Na prvom festivalu učesnici su bili iz sedam zemalja (SAD, Španija, Nemačka, Austrija, Severna Makedonija, Litvanija, Srbija) i trinaest gradova (Njujork, Barselona, Hamburg, Berlin, Beč, Skoplje, Vilnjus, Ruma, Požega, Kanjiža, Novi Sad, Beograd, Vranje). Do poslednjeg dana festivala svi smo se povezali i stvorili jednu divnu međunarodnu umetničku zajednicu.
Zato vas pozivamo da nas podržite!
Ne samo time što ćete donirati. Mnogo malih donacija svakako puno znači.
Podelite kampanju, pričajte o njoj, objasnite zbog čega je to vama bitno.
Vidimo se u avgustu!
Dear people, we are Alice in Wonderband, Ana and Marko. We are theater and music performers and educators. We teach and perform body music: singing and body percussion. Body music is the oldest, ecological way of creating music, but also a modern musical expression.
We are independent artists and most of our projects are from our own production we implement as an association Open Circle of Novi Sad.
Last year, we founded the New Balkan Rhythm festival, the first festival of body music in the region. We brought international lecturers and artists. The results of the first ever crowdfunding campaign we organized exceeded our expectations. Instead of 2000 EUR, a set goal at the Dobri Dabar platform, we collected 3000 EUR!
You, our supporters, are the founders of the festival!
The program of the New Balkan Rhythm festival consists of workshops and performances. There will be twelve workshops for three days lead by Anna Llombart (Barcelona), Ben Schuetz (Hamburg), Max Pollak (New York) and the two of us. We also plan some surprise guests! Come to watch and listen to the festival concert on August 25th and the open scene night on August 26th at the Eco Center Radulovački in Sremski Karlovci.
All performances are free and open to the audience, as it was during the first edition of the festival.
With the funds collected from the campaign, we will pay the team that worked hard on the organization, marketing, design, video and the entire idea of the festival. If we exceed the planned funds, we will invest them in the further promotional campaign of the festival and the workshops with young people from the Working Center of the Milan Petrović special school in Novi Sad.
We will use the funds we collect to bring Anna, Max and Ben from Barcelona, New York and Hamburg, and be good hosts to them in Sremski Karlovci. We will work for a week: four days at the artistic residence and three days at the festival.
The festival packages you purchase are intended for your accommodation, food and workshops in August.
At the first edition of the festival, participants were from seven countries (USA, Spain, Germany, Austria, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Serbia) and thirteen cities (New York, Barcelona, Hamburg, Berlin, Ruma, Vilnius, Vienna, Skopje, Požega, Kanjiža, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Vranje). By the last day of the festival, we all connected and created a wonderful international artistic community.
Support us! Be the part of the body music community!
Not just by donating. A lot of small donations will definitely mean a lot. Share the campaign, talk about it, explain why it matters to you.
And see you in August!
1 recenzija za Festival „Novi balkanski ritam“ / New Balkan Rhythm festival
Morate biti prijavljeni da biste postavili recenziju.
Dragi svi,
maj 4, 2023 u 2:26 pmHvala puno na podršci. Premašili smo cilj! Vidimo se u avgustu u Sremskim Karlovcima. Za sve informacije pratite naše društvene mreže i sajt aliceinwonderband.com.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Ana i Marko
Dear all,
Thank you for your support. The crowdfunding campaign was succesfull! See you in August in Sremski Karlovci. For all info follow us on social networks and find information on our website aliceinwonderband.com
Warm regards,
Ana and Marko